
Monday, August 27, 2012

And I'm Off!!!

       My apprehension has grown as the time nears that I leave.  I am going to miss everyone. But it will be good to get away to one of the most beautiful places on earth, to work, enjoy my surroundings, and push to the back of my mind the troubles that have plagued my mind the past  couple of days.                                                              I look forward to the adventure, and I am far more excited then apprehensive! All I have to do is return my parents computer to them that I have been borrowing, Pack up my car, and I'm off! :)  I look forward to also being able to post more on here of my thoughts, meanderings, and experiences! Woot!
                                         Anybody reading this, I wish yo the best of days!
                                                                    Peace and Love


  1. I look forward to reading about your adventures. I've spent a lot of time in Yellowstone, so I imagine it will be like a trip down memory lane.

    After you get settled, perhaps you'd like to do a guest post on my blog about Yellowstone and what you've discovered.

    It would give you some traffic. I get over 1500 page views a day. That's not too shabby.

    Ciao and have fun --Mike

  2. Not to shabby at all!!! It's a plan! :)
    I shall definitely write a guest blog on Yellowstone here in a few days after I get settled!

    Peace and Love Dearie!!
